Terms of Use

In order to fulfill the object of the contract, meetforchat.com must collect process and use the personal data that the client provides, among others, during the registration process. The personal data are that specific information about personal or objective circumstances of a specific individual or whose identity could be determined. These data are:

  • First name
  • Email address
  • Birthdate

The private contact data is part of the User Registry and is not published in the Profile Contents, specifically in the text fields of the Free Entry Profile. All other profile data will be visible in meetforchat.com, for other registered clients, other data that the client will allow other clients, including age, interests, etc., will also be visible.

Information that meetforchat.com reserves the right to publish

Meetforchat.com reserves the right to modify or not to publish data or contents that undermine the good functioning of the offered services. All means of private contact in general (such as descriptions and User Name containing e-mail address, IM service identifiers, postal addresses, and telephone numbers) are strictly forbidden. Meetforchat.com refrains from publishing any message that contains offensive, racist, sexist denotation, makes use of misleading words, attacks or damages to third parties. Neither will meetforchat.com use the website to disseminate images or recordings of videos and photographs that contain pornography content, whether of third parties with whom prior consent is not given for publication, nor of any kind of content created by Children.